Shekhar A Mahale
Shekhar A Mahale
Long Term Savings & Life Advisor
I started my career in Bank and during last 27 years of my service, I worked almost all department including 7 years at Foreign Exchange as an officer. During this journey, I along with my wife Mrs. Bhagyashree Mahale associated with LIC, under guidance of Mr. Vinayak Naik, a very dynamic and wonderful person whom I accept as my GURU who showed me the path of this Noble Profession.
After my banking hours, daily I put in my extra and sincere efforts to develop insurance business. Though I was happy with my banking career, I decided to work with LIC full time as Mr. Naik wanted to see me in No.1 position in his group. Finally, in 2012, at the age of 50 years, I decided to leave my banking career and joined Life Insurance Corporation of India.
During last 4 years, I achieved MDRT – Million Dolar Round Table, an International Award in Insurance Profession for Best Performance and High Standard of Customer Services.
My basic mission is to reach out to the entire mass, educate them about the concept of life insurance, secure their future dreams & protect their families financially in the absence of the policyholder. I am very much confident of reaching out to all & establish the faith & strong relationship with all my prospects & policyholder’s. Looking forward to serve you all.